The botanical collections are dividet into the sections of croyptogams (spore-plants) and phanerogams (seed plants) [after Linné].
Mr. Hodvina is in charge of this collection (honorary).
Some of the collectors are: F.A.P. von Arnoldi, J.D.W. Bayerhoffer, A. Engler, K.W. G.L. Fuckel, C.F.F. Genth, E. von Halácsy, T. von Heldreich, J.P.W. Hübner, F. Rudio, G.P. Russ, J.P. & G. & C.L.F. Sandberger, A. Schenck, F.H.S. Snell, G.L. Theobald und A. Vigener
Botanical Collections
approximately number of objects
in all
Plant water-colours
- from C.H. Dörrien
- from Prof. Sandberger perhaps copies of Dörrien's paintings
The following information is avaiable at the moment:
Catharina Helena Dörrien (water-colours & Flora Nassaus)
Emil Pfeiffer (water-colours)
Fritz Stellwaag (collection of feaf mines)